
I adore farmers markets. There is something so special about being able to put your money into the hands of someone who had a part in creating the food you're buying. Back in May, Trey and I made our first trip to an amazing farmers market located a sweet three miles down the road from us in little Worthington Town Center. We've had crazy schedules and were out of town for so long that I didn't even make my second trip over there until this past Saturday. Trucks overflowing with fresh corn, tables filled with ripe fruit and the greenest greens, the smell of fresh baked bread and brewed coffee. It's an experience for all of the senses. Even when I don't need to buy much, it's the best way to start a morning.

Peach Army - When your fruit is ripening faster than you can eat it, freeze these little suckers for smoothies, dipping in melted chocolate, adding to yogurt, etc. Place cookie sheet in freezer for 2 hours then transfer fruit to freezer bag.

As of late, I'm on an especially tight budget so I've been making a strong effort to live a minimalist lifestyle, which sadly includes food. Actually food is my biggest expense so it's taking the biggest hit. HOWEVER, that does not mean nutrition is going down with it. Eating/grocery shopping on a budget simply means going back to basics. Try to mainly choose produce that you can split between multiple meals and dishes, there's endless room for creativity. There's no NEED to purchase all the fancy-named products just because we see them in the "organic" and "natural" aisles. Those buzz words also do not necessarily mean "healthy" so beware! More often than not I make a list before heading to the store or market to avoid the dangers of aesthetic persuasion; although sometimes it's good to switch it up and go in without specific recipes in mind, grab whichever veggies ignite a bit of inspiration and create from there. For those of you that are artists, I think this process resonates greatly. I am not an artist but I see food as my canvas. That's not to say the end result is always pretty - many, many kitchen failures - but sometimes that's not the point.

My best advice for shopping healthy on a budget: do not hit more than 3 aisles.

This might sound ridiculous to some people, but I spend about 75% in produce, 5% in dairy, and 20% in grains/other. "Other" includes hummus, pesto, legumes and other staples that round out a meal or snack. Most of the aisles are filled with crap which both eats away at your budget and is nutritionally useless, depleting your energy levels rather than sustaining them like real whole foods do. That being said...don't forget your dark chocolate!

Alter Eco is my absolute favorite brand. The Dark Blackout is INSANE. They typically use 100% organic and Fair Trade Certified ingredients, a label which is near and dear to my heart. Check out Fair Trade USA's site  to read about how the third party certifier is expanding across industries.

At this time next week I'll be getting ready for my maiden voyage to Chicago! Squeezing in a few days with good friends, Lollapalooza music festivities, and of course, checking out the food scene. Stay tuned for my discoveries!

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