

Hi friends, it's been a while. I guess you could say I took a little unplanned hiatus, possibly from a lack of inspiration. Last I wrote we were just entering Spring and here we are in July! For me at least, the change of season has brought on a whole slew of life changes. I just recently re-read my very first post and couldn't help but laugh because my life can be currently characterized by the exact uncertainty I wrote about eight months ago. The transition to life in Columbus came much easier than expected, in part because I was welcomed into a great group of people to work and play with. I'm so glad I took a chance on myself, really, and moved to a new city. I guess I should say I'm also glad my boyfriend persuaded me in the first place. It's the best decision I've made/been coerced into in a very long time.

But now our lease is up and it's time to find a new apartment in a different part of the city. I also left the stability of an income - just barely enough to pay my bills, but an income nonetheless - in hopes of pushing myself to find a job more in line with my longer-term "career" goals. "Career" refers to the general non-profit world but will remain in quotations because I'm still on an unclear path. And that's OK. I saw a quote posted by a young world-traveler that read: "This is the time for big adventures and small paychecks". In a way, I completely agree. At the same time, my rent is due soon. Life is one funny dilemma in that sense.

Right now I am back home in Concord, MA enjoying the inconsistent weather, my bike, and catching up with old friends. When asked what I'm "up to", it's safe to say I don't know what I'll be doing tomorrow, let alone months from now. As I aim to (quickly) find an answer in these next weeks, I'm soaking in all the New England charm I can get, and then it's back to Ohio for a different chapter in this odd book of mine.

Last week my mom and I ventured out to one of our family vacation spots,Westport Point, where we visited every summer when I was little. The tiny town located along Massachusett's southeastern shore has a harbor dock with what seems like more boats than people; what was once the general store fifteen years ago is now a quiet set of law offices that don't appear to conduct much business; the Inn right on the harbor point offers a total of nine rooms; a picturesque scene to say the least. Other main attractions: beach & local ice cream shop, the summer essentials. There's nothing like the smell of sunscreen and melting sugar to complete a summer day.

A few days after our weekday excursion it was time for a lobster boil. Classic but smelly meal. I elected to bury myself in the pastry portion instead. I've made this dessert twice now and it's just so perfect. It's essentially a topless pie but for some reason it has a more eloquent name.

Peach and Blueberry Crostatas

I've only ever used peaches and blueberries for the filling although I'm sure most other fruits would be equally delectable. I've found that I like this dessert so much because it's the perfect amount of sweetness. There's roughly 1/3 cup of sugar in each of the two crostatas this recipe makes. The best part of the process is making the dough - something so magical about shoving your hands into a big hunk of flour and butter. You try and you'll see. You do need a food processor to make the dough and part of the filling.

Recipe from Plum Pie

Happy baking!

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