
Sun in a Mason Jar

HAPPY MONDAY, ALL. It's technically Tuesday but I had yesterday off as part of an extended weekend. After much fluctuation in moving dates, my boxes that have been packed for weeks now finally hit the road with Trey. It's a bit mind-boggling to realize that this process is starting. Our lease has been signed for a couple of weeks, but that simply consisted of me typing my name into a box on my computer screen. I can't say that moment was incredibly eye-opening. But the carrying of boxes out the front door was an unfamiliar feeling.

My Noble Steed 

I'd like to point out that this photo was taken at 4:45pm and we almost can't see, so daylight savings happened. There's nothing I love more than a day that lasts to 8pm - the next few months are going to be an adjustment for us all. In an attempt to fend off unpleasant mood swings, my words of wisdom are to rise with the sun. Even when I can't get to bed as early as I'd like and I know I might be exhausted in the morning, it's worth setting the alarm clock. Soak up every bit of daylight (and Vitamin D if you can). 

Following indulgent Sundays, I've always felt like Mondays are perfect for a resurgence of veggies and mindfulness. Especially as we enter the darker and colder months, we focus on pumpkin, squash, root vegetables galore. I will later share my kick-ass vegetarian chili recipes but before that I want to share my go-to refreshments that both add a boost of much-needed vitamins and trick the mind into believing we're still in the midst of those long sunny days. 

The Juice

  • 4-5 Large Carrots, peeled
  • 1 Beet, peeled (or 1/2 if you're not a huge fan of the earthy flavor)
  • 1 Apple, washed
  • Large Bunch Swiss Chard or Rainbow Chard, washed 
  • 2 inches Fresh Ginger (more or less depending on your desired zing) 
Yields 10 oz. Juice

Be sure to roughly chop all ingredients to avoid breaking your mean juicing machine. I adore this juice. It's super cleansing but rather sweet. You can reduce the apple and increase the ginger if you'd like it a bit less sweet. Sadly you need an actual juicer, not a blender, to get the desired juice result so I apologize to those of you without the means! 

For those of you around the Greater Boston Area looking to treat yourself to fresh juices, I highly recommend JubalĂ­, formerly known as Life Force Juice. You can find them at Somerville Winter Farmers Market (191 Highland Ave 10am-2pm) for free samples and to hear more about their awesomeness, pick up a juice from my previous stomping grounds Commonwealth Market and Restaurant in Kendall Square, or visit your local Whole Foods. 

***Important Note on Washing Your Produce***
I've struggled with washing my fruits and vegetables in the past, mainly because externally nothing is seems wrong with them and I usually want to save as much time cooking as possible. Oh how ignorant I was. Pesticide use is craaaaaazy these days and even when buying organic it's better to take extra precaution. The Environmental Working Group has published the most recent report of "The Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen", recommending a specific list of 12 items to always buy organic. I am not someone who buys everything organic because I honestly don't believe the cost is necessary, but certain produce like Kale, Apples, Berries, and Tomatoes are a different story. Read more on the dangers of pesticides and how best to manage your grocery budget by clicking the link highlighted above!

The Smoothie
Welcome to the Tropics

  • 1 Banana, frozen & chopped
  • 1/2 Cup Pineapple Chunks, frozen
  • 1/2 Cup-1 Cup Kale, rinsed & stems removed
  • 1-2 Tbsp. Coconut Oil
  • 3/4 Cup Almond Milk (I use Almond Breeze Vanilla Unsweetened)
This smoothie is super easy to make and absolutely delicious! The recipe is my take on the Greenya Colada from JubalĂ­. I use the NutriBullet Blender which works amazing to finely blend up the tough kale. You can certainly use a regular blender, but I find that it doesn't blend up the greens quite as well. Either way it tastes like you're laying on a beach and I can't think of many better ways to start your morning. 

Have a fabulously fresh week!

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