
A Small Life Note

Money. Success. Failure. It all comes and goes. We're all searching for our next triumph or simply a place to begin. If we spend too much time dwelling on these facts of life, they have a way of controlling our thoughts and attitudes. I've always tried to tell myself that money doesn't matter. The reality is, it does matter; But it's the extent to which we let it matter that is most crucial. The greatest challenge is to find the balance that allows you to pursue what you feel passionately about while still exercising control over the factors that create stability. Some people are lucky enough to find their success, passion, and stability in the same place, while others might struggle to find the passion in their success or to elicit success from their passion. We all fall into different categories. I, for one, am still trying to fuse everything together.

I can't award myself too many wisdom points yet, but I certainly know a few things to be true.
Surround yourself with people that bring positivity into your life, that challenge you to see beyond the threat of an obstacle, and make life a little less serious. When I initially began working in a restaurant after completing my undergrad, I told myself it would simply be a source of income while I searched for that "real job". And there's my first problem. I ran into a neighbor from my hometown who had the audacity to ask how my parents felt about me not having a "real job". I'm putting "real job" in quotes because who gets to define what a real job is? Is there one master checklist that must be completed to qualify? We need to stop talking to college students about this supposed "real world" where everyone needs a "real job". Turns out it's actually a bit condescending.

I may not have been in a $60,000/year position, but once I stopped beating myself up for not yet figuring out life, I found so much joy from the people I was spending my days with. And this can't be something I'm just tellng myself because I undeniably sobbed all over our chefs on my last day. Make genuine connections. You'll be better for it.

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