

The winter blues are real. I am finding it more and more challenging to get up from our blanket-laden Lazyboy when I don't really have to. It's becoming a problem. Although I fight myself most days, I still make it to TRX and yoga and am reminded of how critical regular exercise is for your mental health. Forget the physical for a minute - it's the mind that I think faces the most difficulty during this time of year. I see pictures of Florida and Costa Rica from friends that are lucky enough to get a heavy dose of Vitamin D and salt water in bleak January and February, and as much as I wish I could pick up and fly out to the islands, simply looking at warm beaches actually eases my mind. 

I keep reminding myself that without a change of season, we wouldn't appreciate sun and warmth nearly as much. There is beauty in each season, even on bleak five-degree days. And it's safe to say we can begin the countdown to Spring! The first official day of Spring is in exactly one month from tomorrow. Of course that doesn't mean we are in the clear from snow and cold weather, but hey, it's a big step in the right direction. In highschool and even college, I thought one of the main perks of summer was getting a tan. My outlook has completely changed since. 

Warmer days, whether the sun is out or not, creates endless possibilities. I've already put a list together of "Things to do in Columbus" come April/May, including FARMER'S MARKETS, the most important of them all, pick-your-own farms, free yoga in the park, free outdoor concerts, and outdoor movies. Yes, most of these options are available indoors during the winter seasons, but there is a difference between the confines of a four-walled room and the open outdoors. 

I also found a bike path that can take me all the way downtown, roughly 12 miles and maybe an hour-long ride. I've already begun daydreaming about my Mondays reinvented. I don't start work until noon, allowing a perfect amount of time to relax with a good breakfast, stuff a backpack with slightly more presentable clothing, and hop on my new commuter route. Should probably leave a bit of extra time for the sweating to subside upon my arrival. Sweating is good.  

Last summer, I took advantage of many Saturdays and Sundays off from the restaurant and biked the 1 1/2 or 2-hour route from suburban Concord to the outskirts of Boston. For the most part I rode solo, and it was one of the most freeing ways to get out of the everyday routine, both physically and mentally. I had no one to answer to, no rules to follow. Sometimes I wasn't even quite sure how I would get back home. I usually spent the rest of the afternoon wandering the city at a food fair, or meeting my friend Julia for a smoothie and inconveniently to everyone else walking my bike down the busy sidewalks. If I planned well enough and brought an extra snack, I would bike the whole route back before sunset. That was a long day. A long, good day taken full advantage of. I've realized that my bike is in Massachusetts while I am here in Columbus, however. A tragic love story of separation. I'll have to face that issue later...

In the meantime, I'll be making pancakes a lot. And baking. I've had an urge to bake this week. Cupcakes, cookies, muffins. I have a Morning Glory Muffin recipe to put to the test this afternoon, so hopefully it will be share-worthy. Anyone thinking that muffins don't pair well with February is wrong. 

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